- [RT-818] - Get the JIRA optional and required fields with one call to the API
- [RT-727] - Add flat view to countermeasures table in templates
- [RT-790] - Set the reporter of a ticket in Jira Cloud instances
- [RT-794] - Fix multiple threats created manually
- [RT-809] - The endpoint to change the test state of a weakness throws a 500 when an invalid test state is sent as an argument
- [RT-847] - Countermeasure standard reference fails with a length longer than 255 characters
- [RT-837] - On the dashboard, show an empty state instead of graphs when the diagram is empty or only has a trustzone without components
- [RT-813] - Complete standard information into ServiceNow with the standard's reference
- [RT-216] - Additional component filter for countermeasures
- [RT-830] - Improved the process to retrieve Jira fields
- [OPT-621] - Improve diagram presentation on ir-core Microsoft Threat Modeling Tool (MTMT)
- [DRA-643] - Improve the performance of xml project import
- [DRA-684] - Remove the upload artifact feature
- [DRA-822] - Analyse and improve performance when deleting a project
- [DRA-823] - [API v2] create a get artifact content for the projects endpoint
- [DRA-845] - Secure ProjectBannerPresenter method getProjectBannerState
- [DRA-847] - Secure TemplateHeaderPresenter methods
- [DRA-848] - Secure TemplateMobileHeaderPresenter methods
- [DRA-849] - Secure ProjectNavigationSideBarPresenter methods
- [DRA-850] - Secure ProjectHeaderPresenter methods
- [DRA-851] - Secure ProjectMobileHeaderPresenter methods
- [DRA-852] - Secure LockProjectPresenter methods
- [DRA-854] - Create an endpoint that brings all projects summary
- [DRA-893] - Use UUID values in id column of Artifact table
- [DRA-897] - Increase the size of business unit selector on the ownership tab
- [DRA-914] - Associate icons to the new GCP components
- [DRA-926] - Associate icons to the new GCP components, bundle 21
- [DRA-927] - Associate icons to the new Browser component
- [DRA-934] - Improve diagrams.net converter to expose js logs
- [DRA-936] - Secure new SectionHeaderPresenter exposed methods created recently
- [DRA-939] - Associate icons to components (super bundle)
- [DRA-888] - [Frontend] Use the API v2 endpoint to restore diagram action.
- [DRA-928] - Custom logo on project and template navigation
- [DRA-946] - Associate icons with the new Generic component definitions, bundles 17 and 18
- [DRA-973] - Associate icons to components (super bundle)
- [OPT-598] - Remove legacy Microsoft Threat Modeling Tool (MTMT) importer from IriusRisk core
- [OPT-667] - Create unit tests for Dataflows in Terraform
- [OPT-516] - Support multiple trustzones of the same type in OTM
- [OPT-601] - Support multiple resources with the same name in TF
- [OPT-606] - Implement Lucid vsdx import
- [OPT-665] - Fix unexpected error when sending a TF or Microsoft Threat Modeling Tool (MTMT) file to the CFT endpoints
- [MSR-795] - Fix threat session conditions of imported risk patterns
- [MSR-542] - Notification action isn't triggered in Threat(component) module with 'Mark Countermeasure as Implemented' and 'Mark Countermeasure as Required' actions
- [MSR-694] - Disallow saving rules actions with duplicated action ids
- [MSR-820] - Headers 'Project/Template/Library' and 'Component/Risk Pattern' in tables are not translated into Spanish
- [MSR-257] - Delete type column from assets table
- [INR-567] - Home dashboard Project Cards to APIv2 Integration
Bug Fixes
- [ARCH-243] - Fix broken access control vulnerability that allows to access IriusRisk pages without privileges
- [DRA-924] - Page mismatched with long names in projects
- [DRA-929] - 'Go to source project' action on the project's component refresh the diagram accordingly
API Changes
New Knowledge-base Content
Cloud components:
[CON-1427]: Fixed descriptions in some AWS SNS countermeasures
[CON-1429]: Replaced “Azure SDK for <Language>” components with Azure SDK + Questionnaire
[CON-1435]: Removed countermeasures from AWS Lambda library that were not directly related to the AWS Lambda component
[CON-1445]: New Azure components:
Azure Dynamics 365
Azure Analysis Service
Azure DevOps Services
Azure Site Recovery
Azure Bot Service
Content Updates:
[CON-1432 & CON-1442]: New Generic components:
XDR (Extended Detection and Response)
EDR (Endpoint Detection and Response)
DLP (Data Loss Prevention)
SVB (Service Bus)
Instant messaging software
CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
CDN (Content Delivery Network)
ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)
IPS (Intrusion Prevention System)
IDS (Intrusion Detection System)
SIEM (Security Information and Event Management)
Password manager
[CON-1433]: New Financial Services category with two new components
Payment gateway
Payment system
POI Device and Cardholder Data Environment have been moved to this new category
[CON-1438]: Correction on the VPN risk pattern to remove some threats that were not relevant
[CON-1419]: New Kong Gateway component
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