Access User Settings
Navigate to the User Settings in Analytics Module to view, manage, or update your preferences for Account Settings, Plan Details, Usage, Team, Roles, and External Authentication from one central place.
Navigating to the User Settings
Click on the user profile icon from the bottom-left corner of the interface, select User Settings, and you will be navigated to the User Settings menu
If you do not have the User Settings option at the lower left corner of the screen, validate you have the correct permissions.
Managing Account Settings
Access the user settings to view and manage the following:
- EMAIL/LOGIN: This is the email address linked to this account. While logging in to Analytics Module, this email address will work as the username. Please note that this field is not editable.
- NAME: Edit the name of the customer.
- PASSWORD: This is the password associated with this account. Click the Change Password button to add a new password.
- TIME ZONE: Select the time zone that will be used when this customer will run the Query.
- LOCALE: This translates the user-interface language and model to the selected locale for the customer. Currently, supported locales include- en (English), de (German), and fr (French).
- API KEY: View the API key.
- ALWAYS SHARE TO GROUP: This automatically shares all assets including any datasources, queries, widgets, and dashboard to the selected groups. Click on the edit to add, remove, or change the group
- DEFAULT DASHBOARD: Click on the edit to select the default dashboard that will appear upon login.
- MANAGEMENT API: Enable Management API to generate the client ID and client secret. This will allow the external services and apps to manage users and groups, datasources, queries, dashboards, and widgets programmatically.
- TWO FACTOR AUTHENTICATION: Enable Two Factor Authentication (2FA). This adds an extra security layer and the user will be prompted to enter the verification code received via text message while logging in to the Analytics Module account.
Note: While the admin will have the access to view and manage all the aforementioned settings, the user will have access to view and manage only 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 10 above. The viewer will have access to only view the set configurations for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10 above.
To learn more about different user roles in Analytics Module i.e. - Viewer, User, and Admin, please refer to the documentation on User Roles.
ADMIN ONLY: Scrolling down further, the admin will be able to view and manage the following customer settings.
- GLOBAL HEADER: Define HTML snippet to globally apply a custom Header across all dashboards. Headers can also be set at a specific dashboard via the Dashboards settings.
- GLOBAL FOOTER: Define HTML snippet to globally apply a custom footer across all dashboards. Footers can also be set at a specific dashboard via the Dashboards settings.
- PASSWORD EXPIRY: Set the password expiry in days. Set 0 for the password to never expire.
- DEFAULT TIME ZONE: Change the default time zone. If no default time zone is set, Analytics Module will default it to America/Los_Angeles.
- NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING SETTINGS: This allows you to configure the NLP settings like enabling/disabling NLP Across Datasets, Index By Default, NLP Bot Integration, and other settings. For more information, please refer to the documentation- Natural Language Processing.
- SSO TOKEN: This allows you to generate the SSO token. For more information, please refer to the documentation- Single Sign-On API
- TUNNEL INFORMATION: Enables the Tunnel key to be used with your datasources. Tunnel information can be used to connect to datasources that are inside your internal network. See the Datasource Tunneling for more details.
- SESSION TIMEOUT: Set the Session timeout in minutes. Blank implies default which will set the session timeout to 30 mins.
On scrolling down further, the admin will be able to view and manage the following customer settings.
- GLOBAL HEADER: Define HTML snippet to globally apply a custom Header across all dashboards. Headers can also be set at a specific dashboard via the Dashboards settings.
- GLOBAL FOOTER: Define HTML snippet to globally apply a custom footer across all dashboards. Footers can also be set at a specific dashboard via the Dashboards settings.
- PASSWORD EXPIRY: Set the password expiry in days. Set 0 for the password to never expire.
- DEFAULT TIME ZONE: Change the default time zone. If no default time zone is set, Analytics Module will default it to America/Los_Angeles.
- NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING SETTINGS: This allows you to configure the NLP settings like enabling/disabling NLP Across Datasets, Index By Default, NLP Bot Integration, and other settings. For more information, please refer to the documentation- Natural Language Processing.
- SSO TOKEN: This allows you to generate the SSO token. For more information, please refer to the documentation- Single Sign-On API
- TUNNEL INFORMATION: Enables the Tunnel key to be used with your datasources. Tunnel information can be used to connect to datasources that are inside your internal network. See the Datasource Tunneling for more details.
- SESSION TIMEOUT: Set the Session timeout in minutes. Blank implies default which will set the session timeout to 30 mins.
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