Minimum hardware requirements
Below are the minimum resource requirements should you decide to deploy on a dedicated instance:
- 4 vCPU
- 16 GiB Mem
- 1 Gbps Network Bandwidth
if you want the module running alongside IriusRisk, we would highly recommend:
- 8+ vCPU
- 64+ GiB Mem
Software requirements
- PostgreSQL server v. 15
- Linux distribution (Amazon Linux 2, Debian, Ubuntu)
- Docker v. 20.10+
- Docker Compose v. 1.29.2+
To have a functional deployment you will need:
Access to our private DockerHub repository - contact customer support team here: support portal.
c9.license - License for the Analytics Module - contact customer support team here support portal.
Database Initialization script: Provided on the next step
- - configuration file:
Replace ‘localhost’ with your domain name in the following parameters:
Email parameters:
To gain access to our docker repository please read the below.
Please raise a case via our support portal.
Subject: Dockerhub access { company_name }
Once you have your key, just run the following on the CLI:
$ docker logout && docker login
username: iriusrisk
Login succeeded
Database Initialization
Regardless of the chosen installation method, the first time we start the module it is necessary for the database to be initialized, for this you should execute two queries
$ sudo su - postgres
$ psql
postgres=# create user cloud9 with encrypted password 'WriteYourSecurePasswordHere';
postgres=# create database cloud9 with owner = 'cloud9';
After that, download this SQL script:
Copy it into the /tmp folder of the instance where PostgreSQL is running, make sure everyone can read it, then type the following in the CLI:
Is very important to execute a SQL script with the cloud9 user, so we'll connect again to the database but this time like cloud9 user:
$ psql -U cloud9 -h cloud9
Password for user cloud9: WriteYourSecurePasswordHere
cloud9=> \i /tmp/init_2_db_init.sql;
The database should now be configured and ready for use.
Installation methods
Analytics Module definition
There are multiple ways to install the module, only those that we believe are the best practices for use in production are mentioned below.
IriusRisk + Analytics: nginx(docker) + tomcat(docker) + PostgreSQL(native / external)
You'll need to edit the file located at nginx folder to properly redirect requests to Analytics Module.
Take a look to PRIVATE_IP_ADDRESS at line 2.
Analytics Module - Stand Alone: External Load Balancer + tomcat(docker) + PostgreSQL(native / external)
Configure your Load Balancer to forward requests to the Tomcat using the following rules:
Request to reverse proxy | Redirect to Tomcat |
/ | /analytics/ |
Docker compose definition:
Start up the Analytics Module
Make sure you are in the same directory as your docker-compose.yml file, also, the files described in the prerequisites section should be there. After that, simply run:
$ docker-compose up -d
Wait a couple of minutes in order to allow full initialization of the module, you can check the logs:
$ docker logs -f analytics
The module will be available as soon you see this on the log:
INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start Server startup in 27336 ms
After that, you can go to the browser and type your server url + /analytics, for example:
You can access to the instance with the following credentials:
User: admin
Password: password
It is strictly necessary to change the password of the admin user for security reasons.
Also remember to close the admin session.
What's next?
Install the default dashboards: How-to-install-the-default-dashboards
Configure SSO with IriusRisk: Analytics-Module-SSO-integration
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