Following our initial instruction that all projects with deployment tab data are no longer able to be modified following an upgrade to v4 without deployment questionnaire data being removed, we have now brought forward the following solution that allows you to keep the deployment tab data and continue modifying projects that contain deployment tab questionnaire data.
Before starting your migration to v4 please ensure that you have familiarised yourself with the changes in our rules engine and have run the validation query against your system to detect any incompatible rules, details for this process can be found here.
Once you have validated your rules and know if you are affected by the deployment tab migration, you can follow the below steps to ensure that you retain all your data related within the deployment tab whilst also being able to continue work on the projects impacted.
Note: Please ensure you have taken the necessary database backups before commencing with your upgrade, for guidance on this please refer to this article.
Step 1
Log into the cli of your instance and connect to your PostgreSQL iriusprod database.
postgres=# \c iriusprod
Step 2
Run the following command to make the required changes in the database, you should see the following output returned
iriusprod=# INSERT INTO migration_event ("id", "version", "applied_timestamp","name") values (nextval('hibernate_sequence'),0,now(),'RemoveDeploymentTabMigration');
Step 3
Pull the v4 images to your host and initialise the application the kick off the migration.
Step 4
Once the migration and upgrade are complete, import the below library to your instance which contains the associated deployment tab rules.
Step 5
Once the library has been successfully imported reload the rules by following the below instructions.
Note: It is important to allow the rules to finish reloading before continuing to work with the product.
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