- [BLZ-58] - Open Threat Modeling Integration
- [BLZ-260] - New Diagram icons for new Azure components
- [BLZ-263] - New Diagram icons for new AWS components
- [BLZ-281] - Add Notification when the questionnaire is saved
- [INR-1] - XLSX file metadata not visible with exiftool but still written to inner XML file
- [INR-2] - Remove producer metadata from exported files
- [INR-3] - Report Improvements
- [INR-127] - Analytics signup
- [MSR-33] - Delete type from assets
- [MSR-45] - New dataflow conditions
- [MSR-112] - Remove the concept of "Component definition" and keep it just as "Component"
- [MSR-120] - Configure Component Definition screen with vertical separation
- [MSR-126] - Group components within the same condition
- [MSR-127] - Navigation by URL
- [MSR-137] - Order nodes in library XML
- [MSR-138] - Add copyright header to all default libraries
- [MSR-149] - Detect sensible data received by a component after crossing a trust boundary
- [MSR-148] - Allow to have IriusRisk opened in multiple tabs
- [MSR-150] - Detect sensible data sent by a component crossing a trust boundary
- [MSR-172] - Hide CAPEC from libraries selector of a component definition
- [MSR-179] - Disallow delete risk patterns and create use cases for default libraries
- [MSR-196] - Ordered elements on actions/conditions combos
- [MSR-242] - Remove community advice message on the questionnaire
- [GRA-11] - Add a language selector in IriusRisk
- [GRA-17] - Review the warning message in API token card for user profile panel
- [GRA-23] - Inconsistency auditing custom fields changes in threat fields
- [GRA-39] - Prevent users to use unsafe passwords with the common password list
- [GRA-59] - Redesign expiration screen
- [GRA-67] - Passwords set in Irius are visible to users with access to configuration panels
- [GRA-71] - Automatically modify size and resolution in profile pictures
- [GRA-127] - Create new global permission ANALYTICS_SETTINGS_UPDATE
- [GRA-128] - Create new url setting for analytics module
- [GRA-129] - Create new section for analytics module configuration
- [RT-6] - Add autofill on Unique ID field on "New countermeasure" form and on "Weakness Details" form
- [RT-35] - Apply countermeasures states changes
- [RT-49] - Add issue link for control in API response
- [RT-111] - Add issue link for controls in project XML export
- [RT-120] - Improve the visual distinction of icons in Threats & Countermeasures
- [RT-122] - Additional owner, component and use case filters for threats
- [RT-125] - Add threat bulk actions for accept risk, NA, delete risk and lock in tree view
- [RT-128] - Add flatten view for countermeasures
- [RT-167] - Additional source, weakness test filters for threats
- [RT-168] - Add issue id and issue link for weaknesses through the API
- [RT-169] - Add issue id and issue link for weaknesses through the project XML
- [RT-183] - Change the flatten view of threats to use the Vaadin Grid component
- [RT-185] - Add void components/use cases in the filter of components for threats
- [RT-186] - Change order of the columns in threats & countermeasures grid
- [RT-212] - Display standards to apply in alphabetical order
- [RT-230] - Sorting countermeasures in flatten view
- [RT-238] - Distinguish "Riesgo" from "Amenaza" in spanish
- [RT-297] - Replace HTML by JSON error response, when a file is not supplied in the API call
Bug Fixes
- [BLZ-135] - Not allowed to export/clone a project if it's in draft mode
- [BLZ-141] - Artifact preview empty after importing product from XML and creating template
- [BLZ-187] - Big Images on diagram thrown an unexpected exception
- [BLZ-214] - Fix some components styles icons
- [BLZ-219] - Diagram overrides page view and grid properties when importing a template
- [BLZ-255] - Error thrown when view architecture diagram of a product version
- [BLZ-273] - Components lose the styles when the artifact is generated
- [BLZ-282] - When trying to import a template on draft no error is displayed to the users
- [BLZ-302] - Wrong dashboard auditlog entry when a template is created
- [BLZ-303] - Wrong dashboard auditlog entry when a template is imported
- [MSR-34] - Wrong audit entries in the log when a new library is created or imported
- [MSR-136] - A user with LIBRARY_UPDATE permission can't add threats in libraries
- [MSR-170] - Unexpected error after saving multiple times a questionnaire that fires a rule with a missing trust zone
- [MSR-193] - Library importation process allows RCE to use the rule name
- [MSR-216] - Wrong audit entries in the log when a custom library is deleted
- [MSR-224] - Fix width on countermeasure description detail window
- [MSR-258] - Some risk patterns are not correctly mapped to component definitions through library import
- [GRA-16] - Issue tracker test connection is displayed when access to settings section
- [GRA-18] - Modify the "checkIfUserExists" precondition of the /api/v1/businessunits/:bu-id/users endpoints
- [GRA-21] - Bad encoding of spanish special characters in form tooltip message
- [GRA-24] - Audit CustomFields creation consistently with Envers
- [GRA-25] - Register correctly the event ISSUE_TRACKER_SYNCHRONIZATION_FAILED
- [GRA-29] - Restrict add users to a product
- [GRA-31] - error retrieving users using the API with a user with MANAGE_USER_BU permission
- [GRA-34] - Fix allows insert users through the API without the correct role[GRA-54] - Error when a user with ALL_USERS_UPDATE tries to create a new user
- [GRA-38] - When the SAML session expires while the user is working, they are not redirected to sessionExpired
- [GRA-82] - Removing all business units from a user performs no action
- [GRA-102] - Ensure API permission check takes into account WFS permissions
- [GRA-122] - Threat edit panel does not turn editable in the active session when EDIT_THREAT permission is granted to the already logged in user
- [GRA-124] - User is notified about not having permissions to use the API even he/she is allowed
- [GRA-180] - Login with email and non-valid password doesn't show the message
- [RT-9] - Display an alert window when the users check "Lock threat model" option of a workflow state and there are products in that workflow state with pending unsaved changes
- [RT-33] - Fix comments message in ServiceNow
- [RT-47] - Threat custom fields are not displayed when users try to edit the threat in the Product threats tab
- [RT-57] - Use cases can be accidentally "duplicated" when creating threats in them
- [RT-61] - Create comments in issue tracker consistently for Weakness Tests and Countermeasure Tests
- [RT-67] - Failed weaknesses ticket creation lacks failed status comment
- [RT-69] - Possible endless loop in the update control list
- [RT-136] - API User without permissions THREAT_VIEW, THREAT_UPDATE can get information about threats
- [RT-137] - It's possible to make countermeasure status updates without enough permissions
- [RT-162] - Weakness - Test tab is not correctly expanded
- [RT-163] - Threat appears red and centered when the weakness has test status Failed
- [RT-197] - Unexpected error selecting a library
- [RT-198] - When a countermeasure is manually introduced in a project, its priority is always Low
- [RT-257] - Error with the compliance filter in templates
- [RT-269] - Center to left the text in table cells
- [RT-270] - When entering in countermeasures tab with an empty list an unexpected error is thrown
- [RT-271] - Duplicated components after importing a project
- [RT-298] - Failed to create weakness issue in Jira, RedMine and TFS
- [RT-305] - Resolve errors in ThreatQueryRepositoryService
- [RT-306] - Fix problems with blank rows in the Threats flatten view
- [RT-310] - When searching by custom field value users can see components from other projects filled with the same value
- [RT-313] - Weaknesses and Countermeasures grid is not filled in Libraries & Templates sections
Security Bug Fixes
- [BLZ-256] - Update velocity-engine-core
- [BLZ-258] - Update commons-compress
- [BLZ-299] - Upgraded logback-core and logback-classic in order to fix a vulnerability
- [RT-172] - Fix ant high vulnerability
- [RT-303] - Excluded dependencies of com.h2database in order to fix a vulnerability (IriusRisk is not using in-memory database)
- [RT-239] - Update commons-beanutils
- [RT-235] - Update lucene-core
- [RT-236] - Update jackson-dataformat-cbor
- [RT-240] - Update ant
- [GRA-75] - Fix xmlsec high vulnerability
- [GRA-74] - Fix jsoup high vulnerability
- [GRA-116] - Update drools-compiler
- [MSR-182] - Upgraded commons-fileupload in order to fix a vulnerability
- [MSR-183] - Fix xstream high vulnerabilities
Hot Fixes included
- Hotfix 4.0.1
- Hotfix 4.0.2
- Hotfix 4.0.3
- Hotfix 4.0.4
- Hotfix 4.0.5
- Hotfix 4.0.6
- Hotfix 4.0.7
- Hotfix 4.0.8
API Changes
New Knowledge-base Content
New security content:
CON-1084. New countermeasures from the "NSA Kubernetes Hardening Guidance" technical report (https://www.nsa.gov/Press-Room/News-Highlights/Article/Article/2716980/nsa-cisa-release-kubernetes-hardening-guidance/). Added 5 new countermeasures
1 for Kubernetes Etcd.
1 for Control Plane.
2 for Kubernetes Policies and Infrastructure.
1 for Kubernetes Container.
CON-1108, CON-1116 & CON-1117. New functional components library including:
11 Component definitions (11 new).
20 Risk patterns (20 new).
1 Use case.
43 Threats (43 new).
0 Weaknesses.
75 Countermeasures (37 new).
CON-1002. New countermeasure for the AWS Cloudtrail component
Updated/deprecated/new security standards:
New standards:
CON-1094. New Security Standard: 2021 OWASP Top 10.
New components:
CON-1084. New component for Kubernetes:
Kubernetes Pod that implements the following risk patterns:
CON-1057. New components for AWS:
AWS MediaStore
AWS MediaTailor
AWS Amplify
AWS MediaConvert
AWS MediaLive
AWS MediaPackage
AWS Lightsail
AWS Managed Services
AWS MediaConnect
AWS Global Accelerator
AWS Ground Station
AWS Launch Wizard
AWS Elemental Appliances & Software
CON-1059, CON-1069 & CON-1088. New components for Microsoft Azure:
Azure Defender for IoT
Azure Information Protection
Azure Dedicated HSM
Azure Attestation
Azure Confidential Ledger
Azure Bastion
Azure DNS
Azure Private Link
Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN)
Azure Network Watcher
Azure Virtual WAN
Azure HDInsight
Azure DataBricks
Azure Stream Analytics
Azure Data Catalog
Azure Data Factory
Azure Data Lake Analytics
Azure IoT Edge
Azure IoT Hub
Azure MarketPlace
Azure Bot Framework SDK
Azure Notification Hubs
Azure Relay
Azure Service Bus Messaging
Azure Machine Learning
Azure API Management
Azure VNet
Azure Sentinel
Azure Event Hub
Azure WAF
Azure Service Fabric
Azure Windows Virtual Machine
Azure Linux Virtual Machine
Azure Command Line Interface (CLI)
Azure Cloud Shell
Azure Database for MySQL
Azure Database for PostgresSQL
Azure SQL Database
Azure SQL Server Stretch Database
Azure SQL Database Edge
Azure Blockchain Workbench
Azure Power BI
Library refactors:
CON-1041. Set countermeasure's mitigation values to add up to 100.
CON-1075. Include the PCI Card Data Questionnaire for the Microservice component.
CON-1084. Component “Kubernetes Node” updated.
CON-970. Refactor of the Cloud Storage component definition. Added new security content with specific countermeasures for public cloud storage services.
CON-1128. Changed component definition name from “Management Console for AWS” to “AWS Management Console”
CON-1091. Default Libraries Rules Interrelations. https://support.iriusrisk.com/hc/en-us/articles/4411640397713
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