- [IR-6978] - New endpoint to transition a countermeasure to implemented.
PUT /api/v1/products/{product-id}/components/{component-id}/controls/{countermeasure-id}/status/implemented
- [IR-6977] - New endpoint to transition a countermeasure to rejected.
PUT /api/v1/products/{product-id}/components/{component-id}/controls/{countermeasure-id}/status/rejected
- [IR-6976] - New endpoint to transition a countermeasure to required.
PUT /api/v1/products/{product-id}/components/{component-id}/controls/{countermeasure-id}/status/required
- [IR-6975] - New endpoint to transition a countermeasure to recommended.
PUT /api/v1/products/{product-id}/components/{component-id}/controls/{countermeasure-id}/status/recommended
- [IR-7480] - Countermeasures transition state APIs return empty response body instead of an empty array.
- [IR-7467] - Changed return message NOT_ENOUGH_PERMISSIONS to "User is not allowed to perform this action" when calling POST /api/v1/products/upload without proper permissions.
- [IR-7437] - Changed return message NOT_ENOUGH_PERMISSIONS to "User is not allowed to perform this action" when calling POST POST /api/v1/products/:product-id/tests/:type/upload without proper permissions.
- [IR-7466] - Java exception message Empty Ref changed to "Property [ref] with value [] is invalid. Reason: [must not be empty]"error when calling POST /api/v1/products.
Bug Fixes
- [IR-7480] - Countermeasures transition state APIs return empty response body instead of an empty array.
- [IR-7479] - Error when calling PUT /api/v1/products/:product-id/components/:component-id/controls/:countermeasure-id/status.
- [IR-7477] - Error when calling PUT to update a product: PUT /api/v1/products/:product-id.
- [IR-7472] - Error when calling POST api/v1/products/:product-id/versions.
- [IR-7438] - Error 'Property [ref] with value [null] is invalid. Reason: [must not be blank]' when call PUT Updates business.
- [IR-7426] - User token should return just the last 4 chars when calling the endpoint GET /users/{:user-id}.
- [IR-7080] - User without permissions [COUNTERMEASURE_VIEW, COUNTERMEASURE_UPDATE] can get information about controls by calling /products/{ref}/controls/* endpoints.
- [IR-7079] - User without permissions [THREAT_VIEW, THREAT_UPDATE] can get information about weaknesses by calling /products/{ref}/weaknesses/*.
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