IriusRisk is not connecting to the database
Let's enter IriusRisk web server to execute some troubleshooting. On docker-based environments you should enter to the iriusrisk-tomcat8 container:
$ docker exec -it iriusrisk-tomcat sh
First check that the database host is reachable from IriusRisk:
$ ping -c 5 your_db_host
This is an example of a successful connection:
Make sure that the database port is open:
$ nc -vz your_db_host your_db_port
The response should look like below:
Check that the database is accepting connections:
$ pg_isready -U your_db_user -h your_db_host -d your_db_name
The response should look like below:
Check that your user has proper database permissions. Connect to the database:
$ psql -U your_db_user -h your_db_host your_db_name
Execute the following query:
SELECT table_catalog, table_schema, table_name, privilege_type
FROM information_schema.table_privileges
WHERE grantee = 'your_db_name';
The response should show all permissions available for each table of your database:
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