Note: Release 2.1.4 includes improvements to performance only. We recommend an upgrade if you were experiencing performance problems in any of the areas mentioned below.
New Features
- Notable performance improvements in the following areas:
- Product selection
- Architecture diagram load
- Load threats for a given product
- Load Countermeasures for a given product
- Load Products tab
- Overall performance gains with several database structure improvements.
- The Threats Tab has been refactored adding several usability and performance improvements. Components are collapsed by default and can be expanded to view threats.
- The issue tracker settings are now inherited from the global configuration: that means, for the projects with no specific values in some fields, IriusRisk will use the global settings. For example, if you have defined a username and password globally but not on every product or component, changing this username or password on the global setting will affect all of the products without those settings. A new button has also been added to restore the global settings after a modification.
- The questionnaire details panel now includes a vertical scroll to display several messages.
Bugs Fixed
- A double click on the Component Dashboard opened two Component questionnaires whereas it should only open one.
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