Embedded Help Links with documentation and video tutorials on the top right corner for all the sections within IriusRisk.
New configuration option to connect to Issue Trackers through an internal proxy.
Product's Architecture diagram is now printed in the PDF report.
Feature to hide and/or disable existing Component Definitions.
Improved integration with JIRA 7 and 8.
New feature to use authentication-only against an LDAP or AD service without a system user (and credentials).
IoT Risk Patterns: IoT Operating System, IoT Application and IoT Mobile Application components based on IoT Security Compliance Framework Release 2.0 (2nd december 2018) form IoT Security Foundation (IoTSF).
New Risk Patterns for AWS Lambda.
New AWS Cloud Components:
AWS Account Evironment.
EC2 - Elastic Compute Cloud.
ELB - Elastic Load Balancer.
Lambda Function.
RDS - Relational Database Service.
S3 - Simple Storage Service.
SNS - Simple Notification Service.
New Google Cloud Platform Components:
Google Cloud Kubernetes.
Google Cloud Platform Environment.
Google Cloud SQL.
Google Cloud Storage.
Google Cloud Virtual Machine.
New Microsoft Azure Cloud Components:
Microsoft Azure Environment.
Microsoft Azure SQL.
Microsoft Azure Storage.
Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine.
New On Premises Architecture Component:
Internal Server.
Two new Standards:
IoT Security Compliance Framework (Class0, Class1 y Class2).
CIS Amazon Web Services Three-tier Web Architecture Benchmark.
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