The key new features and improvements made in this release are:
- Bug fixes, performance and reliability improvements.
- The permissions model has been extended with new permissions such as PRODUCT_CREATE and a new permission to allow creation of reports depending on the Workflow status of a project.
- UI improvements: Search features for the products list and Rules Editor.
- Exporting Threats and Countermeasures to Excel
- New Notification system that's integrated with the rules engine
New Features:
- [IR-1134] - Disable the help screen on login and instead show popups to drive the user through the initial actions.
- [IR-1199] - Allow basic filtering (by Name and Workflow State) on the Products tab.
- [IR-1257] - Export Threats table to Excel through the action menu.
- [IR-1258] - Export Countermeasures table to Excel through the action menu.
- [IR-1202] - Create documentation for the HP Software Security Center integration.
- [IR-1168] - Create documentation on how to customize the IriusRisk logos when deploying through docker.
- [IRX-778] - Improve the application performance after login when listing the products.
- [IRX-812] - Make PRODUCT_AUDIT_LOG permission applicable within a Workflow status customization.
- [IRX-836] - Create a new Rules Condition for Workflows: Notification does not exist.
- [IRX-762] - Create a new Tab on the product panel to show Product and UDT audit log.
- [IRX-770] - Search feature for the Rules Editor.
- [IRX-805] - Improve add new Risk UI user experience.
- [IRX-821] - Create new global permission PRODUCT_CREATE to allow users to create products based on it.
- [IR-965] - Improve the speed of the Assets Tab on the questionnaire.
- [IR-1228] - Changed the username text when using LDAP (email authentication is not allowed).
- [IR-1260] - Display the name instead of ids in the audit table
- [IR-1279] - Fix a problem with deleted projects and notifications.
- [IR-1182] - Remove configuration option for libraries.
- [IR-1183] - Deny access to publish as product or library if the user does not have TEMPLATE_UPDATE permission.
- [IR-1184] - Fix a problem with Workflow rules when the condition is an answered question.
- [IR-1194] - A user invited to fill architecture questionnaire cannot see the questionnaire after login.
- [IR-1280] - In the audit tab, the horizontal scroll is not always visible.
- [IR-1292] - Problem displaying template controls when a control compliance view is selected previously.
- [IR-1293] - Problem with the limit of value filed when saving an action rule.
- [IR-1294] - Missing description on COUNTERMEASURE_EXPIRY_DATE_VIEW permission.
- [IR-1295] - Problem changing the owner of a Threat.
- [IR-1299] - Language translation problems in products export file.
- [IR-1300] - The expiry date of a threat is not displayed in the audit tab.
- [IR-1303] - Problem with the deselection questions with sub-questions in the questionnaire
- [IR-1310] - UI problem on the Add New Threat menu option, use case autocomplete now working properly.
- [IR-1316] - Save button is not visible in Controls tab.
- [IR-1318] - Problem with search functionality on the Rules Editor.
- [IRX-813] - Problem when two different users open the questionnaire for the same product at the same time.
- [IRX-824] - Problem with the possition of the buttons 'Save' and 'Apply to Products' for the Templates & Libraries Option.
- [IRX-825] - Problem with groups when applying changes from templates to projects.
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