With the latest release of version of 3.10 users now have the added functionality of versioning, in which you now have the ability to create multiple versions of a single product.
When you create a version, you will be prompted for a new version ID and a description.
The versioned product will be an exact copy of the source product with all the properties below retained within the copy:
- Diagram components, trust zones and dataflows.
- The complete threat model and its status: threats with risk accepted, marked as N/A, countermeasures implemented, test status, etc.
- Custom fields.
- Comments on Countermeasures and Threats.
- Issue Tracker data.
- Ownership data.
- All other properties of the product.
The versions created for a specific project are archived by default, so they are accessible on a read-only basis (this will change in upcoming IriusRisk versions). So you will always be working on the "Current" version of the product.
To access a specific version of a product and inspect its threat model, you can use the version drop-down menu located on the top of the screen:
This selector is present throughout all the product tabs (Products, Architecture, Threats and Countermeasures) when the project is selected.
Current version selected |
Previous version selected named 1.2 |
In the same way, the threats and countermeasures tab are available on read-only mode for versions.
The API has also been extended to allow users to create versions of the products externally, the call is as follows:
POST /products/{product-id}/versions
For more information on the API please visit our public documentation on SwaggerHub.
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