If you are a SAAS customer, you can always Submit a request and the support team will be happy to assist you.
In case that you are an on-prem customer managing your own database, you can use the following query, for the current IriusRisk version, 4.27.0:
SELECT DISTINCT p.ref, ws.name, pha.timestamp, to_timestamp(pha.timestamp/1000) FROM project p left join project_history_audit pha on p.id = pha.id left join workflow_state ws on pha.workflow_state_name = ws.name WHERE p.ref = '<PUT_YOUR_PROJECT_REF_HERE>' ORDER BY timestamp;
This is how the query would look for a project with ref "hello-nginx"
This query will be valid as well for older IriusRisk versions, like 4.21.0 or less:
SELECT DISTINCT pa.ref, ws.name, ri.rev_timestamp, to_timestamp(ri.rev_timestamp/1000) FROM project_audit pa left join revinfo ri on ri.rev = pa.rev_id left join workflow_state ws on pa.workflow_state_id = ws.id WHERE pa.type = 'STANDARD' AND pa.status <> 'VERSION' AND pa.ref = '<PUT_YOUR_PROJECT_REF_HERE>' group by pa.ref, ws.name, ri.rev_timestamp, to_timestamp(ri.rev_timestamp/1000) ORDER BY ri.rev_timestamp ASC;
This is how the query would look on a project with reference "terra-test":
Please, note that the queries can be modified, if the Database schema changes between IriusRisk versions. In case of doubt, please contact with our support team.
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