There may be instances where you need to completely restrict a user's access to IriusRisk, preventing them from logging in altogether. This article details two effective methods for achieving this within the platform.
Preventing / Further Limiting User Login
In IriusRisk, there is a method to prevent a user from logging in, or limit them further by removing the ability to even view projects they owned previously:
Project Ownership Removal: If the user owns projects within IriusRisk, removing them from the ownership section of those projects effectively eliminates their ability to view them. This can be done with the following steps:
1. Open the project in question
2. Navigate to the ownership tab
3. Remove the 'User' from the box by pressing the 'x' beside the user in question
User Management Disabling: The most comprehensive approach is to disable the user account directly through the user management screen. This action completely revokes their login privileges and prevents any access to IriusRisk. This can be done with the following steps:
1. From the Home screen, click open the settings dropdown by clicking the Gear icon in the top right
2. Under 'User Settings' select 'Users' on the dropdown
3. Hover over a user and you should see an ellipsis in the right column
4. After clicking the elipsis, a dropdown will appear and you will have the option of disabling the user
By utilizing either project ownership removal or user management disabling, you can effectively prevent or further limit user login in IriusRisk. Choose the method that best suits your specific situation, considering the desired level of access restriction.
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