Beta Version Disclaimer
Please note that this version of the API is currently in beta. While it offers advanced features for deeper integrations and flexible automations, we reserve the right to make breaking changes during this phase. Backwards compatibility may not be maintained. We encourage users to explore its capabilities but recommend caution in production environments as the API may undergo significant modifications.
Added endpoints
PUT /api/v2/libraries/countermeasures/tests/references/{reference-id}
- Updates a reference in a countermeasure test in a library context.
GET /api/v2/libraries/countermeasures/references/{reference-id}
- Gets a specific countermeasure reference of the library.
PUT /api/v2/libraries/countermeasures/tests/{test-id}
- Updates the test related to a countermeasure.
POST /api/v2/libraries/countermeasures/references
- Adds a reference to a library countermeasure.
GET /api/v2/libraries/countermeasures/tests/{test-id}/references
- Gets all the references of a countermeasure test in a library context.
GET /api/v2/libraries/countermeasures/{countermeasure-id}/references
- Gets all the references of a countermeasure in a library context.
DELETE /api/v2/libraries/threats/{threat-id}/countermeasures/{countermeasure-id}
- Unassigns a countermeasure from a library threat.
PUT /api/v2/libraries/countermeasures/implementations/{implementation-id}
- Updates an implementation from a countermeasure in a library context.
GET /api/v2/libraries/countermeasures/tests/{test-id}
- Gets the test related to a countermeasure.
POST /api/v2/libraries/countermeasures/implementations
- Creates a new countermeasure implementation.
PUT /api/v2/libraries/threats/{threat-id}/countermeasures/{countermeasure-id}
- Modifies the mitigation of a countermeasure in a threat.
GET /api/v2/libraries/countermeasures/tests/{test-id}/history
- Gets the history records for a countermeasure test.
DELETE /api/v2/libraries/countermeasures/references/{reference-id}
- Deletes a reference in a countermeasure in a library context.
GET /api/v2/libraries/countermeasures/implementations/{implementation-id}
- Gets the countermeasure implementation details.
POST /api/v2/libraries/countermeasures/tests/references
- Creates a reference in a countermeasure test in a library context.
GET /api/v2/libraries/countermeasures/{countermeasure-id}/history
- Gets the history records for a countermeasure.
DELETE /api/v2/libraries/threats/references/{reference-id}
- Deletes a threat reference from a library.
DELETE /api/v2/libraries/weaknesses/{weakness-id}/countermeasures/{countermeasure-id}
- Unassigns a countermeasure from a library weakness.
DELETE /api/v2/libraries/countermeasures/implementations/{implementation-id}
- Deletes an implementation from a countermeasure in a library context.
GET /api/v2/libraries/countermeasures/{countermeasure-id}/implementations
- Gets all the implementations of a countermeasure in a library context.
DELETE /api/v2/libraries/countermeasures/tests/references/{reference-id}
- Deletes a reference in a countermeasure test in a library context.
PUT /api/v2/libraries/countermeasures/references/{reference-id}
- Updates a reference in a countermeasure in a library context.
PUT /api/v2/libraries/threats/references/{reference-id}
- Updates a reference for a threat of a library.
GET /api/v2/projects/{project-id}/diagram/metadata/components/{component-id}/risk-patterns
- Provides the risk patterns of a component from the metadata of a project diagram.
PUT /api/v2/projects/versions/{version-id}
- Update the project version that matches the id.
GET /api/v2/projects/weaknesses/tests/references/{reference-id}
- Gets the reference related to a weakness test.
DELETE /api/v2/projects/weaknesses/{weakness-id}/countermeasures/{countermeasure-id}
- Delete a countermeasure belongs to a weakness.
POST /api/v2/projects/{project-id}/threats/export
- Export the threats of a project, based on filters.
PUT /api/v2/projects/countermeasures/tests/references/{reference-id}
- Updates a reference for a countermeasure test.
GET /api/v2/projects/weaknesses/tests/{test-id}/references
- Gets the list of references related to a weakness test.
POST /api/v2/projects/countermeasures/create-vulnerabilities/bulk
- Creates vulnerabilities in bulk for countermeasures.
PUT /api/v2/projects/countermeasures/tests/{test-id}
- Updates the test related to a countermeasure.
DELETE /api/v2/projects/weaknesses/tests/references/{reference-id}
- Deletes a reference for a weakness test.
PUT /api/v2/projects/weaknesses/tests/references/{reference-id}
- Updates a reference related to a weakness test.
POST /api/v2/projects/countermeasures
- Creates a countermeasure.
POST /api/v2/projects/threats
- Create a new Threat.
GET /api/v2/projects/{project-id}/diagram/metadata/trust-zones
- Provides the trustzones from a project's diagram metadata.
POST /api/v2/projects/countermeasures/tests/references
- Creates a reference for a countermeasure test.
GET /api/v2/projects/{project-id}/diagram/metadata
- Provides a project's diagram metadata.
GET /api/v2/projects/countermeasures/tests/{test-id}
- Gets the test related to a countermeasure.
GET /api/v2/projects/{project-id}/diagram/metadata/categories
- Provides the categories from a project's diagram metadata.
GET /api/v2/projects/{project-id}/countermeasures/owners
- Gets all the owners of the countermeasures.
GET /api/v2/projects/countermeasures
- Get all countermeasures for visible projects.
DELETE /api/v2/projects/countermeasures/{countermeasure-id}
- Deletes a countermeasure.
GET /api/v2/projects/{project-id}/diagram/metadata/components
- Provides the components from a project's diagram metadata.
GET /api/v2/projects/weaknesses
- Get all weaknesses for visible projects.
GET /api/v2/projects/countermeasures/tests/references/{reference-id}
- Gets a reference related to a countermeasure test.
GET /api/v2/projects/{project-id}/threats/owners
- Gets all the owners of the threats.
DELETE /api/v2/projects/threats/{threat-id}
- Delete a Threat by its ID
POST /api/v2/projects/weaknesses/tests/references
- Creates a new reference related to a weakness test.
DELETE /api/v2/projects/threats/{threat-id}/countermeasures/{countermeasure-id}
- Delete a countermeasure belongs to a threat.
POST /api/v2/projects/{project-id}/sync-issues
- Sync issues for a project.
PUT /api/v2/projects/threats/{threat-id}/countermeasures/{countermeasure-id}
- Modifies the mitigation of a countermeasure in a threat.
POST /api/v2/projects/{project-id}/weaknesses/create-issues/bulk
- Create issues for a list of weaknesses.
POST /api/v2/projects/countermeasures/sync-issues/bulk
- Sync issues for a list of countermeasures.
GET /api/v2/projects/threats
- Get all the threats for visible projects
POST /api/v2/projects/{project-id}/weaknesses/query
- Searches the weaknesses for a project, based on filters
DELETE /api/v2/projects/countermeasures/tests/references/{reference-id}
- Deletes a reference for a countermeasure test.
POST /api/v2/projects/threats/sync-issues/bulk
- Sync issues for a list of threats.
GET /api/v2/projects/threats/{threat-id}/history
- Gets the history records for a threat.
DELETE /api/v2/projects/threats/bulk
- Deletes a set of threats.
PUT /api/v2/projects/threats/state/bulk
- Updates the status of a set of threats.
GET /api/v2/projects/countermeasures/tests/{test-id}/references
- Gets the list of references related to a countermeasure test.
POST /api/v2/rules/execute
- Executes the rules over all visible projects.
POST /api/v2/rules/reload
- Reloads all enabled rules into the containers.
GET /api/v2/rules
- Gets all rules.
GET /api/v2/rules/{rule-module-id}/conclusions
- Gets all the conclusions applicable to the module.
GET /api/v2/templates/threats/{threat-id}/weaknesses
- Get the weaknesses that belong to the given threat.
GET /api/v2/templates/threats
- Get all the threats for visible templates
GET /api/v2/templates/threats/references/{reference-id}
- Gets the threat reference through the id.
POST /api/v2/templates/countermeasures/references
- Creates a reference for a countermeasure.
GET /api/v2/templates/countermeasures/{countermeasure-id}/references
- Gets all the countermeasure references.
GET /api/v2/templates/threats/{threat-id}/comments
- Gets the comments of a threat.
POST /api/v2/templates/threats
- Create a new Threat.
PUT /api/v2/templates/threats/{threat-id}/countermeasures/{countermeasure-id}
- Update the mitigation value of a countermeasure of a threat.
GET /api/v2/templates/threats/{threat-id}/countermeasures
- Retrieves all the countermeasures for a template threat.
GET /api/v2/templates/countermeasures/{countermeasure-id}/implementations
- Gets all the countermeasure implementations.
PUT /api/v2/templates/weaknesses/{weakness-id}
- Updates the weakness.
GET /api/v2/templates/{template-id}/weaknesses
- Get the weaknesses that belong to the given template.
GET /api/v2/templates/countermeasures
- Get all countermeasures for visible templates.
GET /api/v2/templates/countermeasures/implementations/{implementation-id}
- Gets the countermeasure implementation details.
GET /api/v2/templates/countermeasures/{countermeasure-id}/comments
- Gets the comments of a countermeasure.
DELETE /api/v2/templates/countermeasures/implementations/{implementation-id}
- Deletes a countermeasure implementation.
GET /api/v2/templates/threats/{threat-id}
- Get the threat details.
PUT /api/v2/templates/threats/{threat-id}
- Modify the threat details.
GET /api/v2/templates/countermeasures/tests/{test-id}/references
- Gets the list of references related to a countermeasure test.
DELETE /api/v2/templates/weaknesses/tests/references/{reference-id}
- Deletes a reference for a weakness test.
PUT /api/v2/templates/countermeasures/implementations/{implementation-id}
- Updates a countermeasure implementation.
GET /api/v2/templates/threats/{threat-id}/history
- Gets the history records for a threat.
GET /api/v2/templates/use-cases/{use-case-id}
- Get the use case by ID.
POST /api/v2/templates/{template-id}/apply-standard
- Apply a standard to the recommended countermeasures of the template.
POST /api/v2/templates/{template-id}/countermeasures/export
- Export the countermeasures of a template, based on filters.
PUT /api/v2/templates/weaknesses/tests/{test-id}
- Updates the test related to a weakness.
DELETE /api/v2/templates/use-cases/{use-case-id}
- Delete a use case.
GET /api/v2/templates/countermeasures/references/{reference-id}
- Gets the countermeasure reference details.
POST /api/v2/templates/{template-id}/threats/query
- Search the threats for a template, based on filters.
POST /api/v2/templates/threats/comments
- Create a new comment for a threat.
GET /api/v2/templates/components/{component-id}/use-cases
- Get all the template use cases by component.
POST /api/v2/templates/threats/references
- Creates a new threat reference.
POST /api/v2/templates/countermeasures/comments
- Creates a new comment for a countermeasure.
PUT /api/v2/templates/threats/references/{reference-id}
- Updates a reference for a threat.
POST /api/v2/templates/weaknesses/tests/references
- Creates a new reference related to a weakness test.
GET /api/v2/templates/{template-id}/standards
- Returns all available security standards for the template.
GET /api/v2/templates/weaknesses/tests/{test-id}
- Gets the test related to a weakness.
DELETE /api/v2/templates/threats/{threat-id}
- Delete a Threat by its ID
POST /api/v2/templates/countermeasures/implementations
- Creates a new countermeasure implementation.
DELETE /api/v2/templates/weaknesses/{weakness-id}/countermeasures/{countermeasure-id}
- Delete a countermeasure belongs to a weakness.
GET /api/v2/templates/countermeasures/tests/{test-id}
- Gets the test related to a countermeasure.
GET /api/v2/templates/{template-id}/use-cases
- Get all the use cases by template.
GET /api/v2/templates/countermeasures/{countermeasure-id}
- Gets the details for a template countermeasure.
GET /api/v2/templates/{template-id}/threats
- Get all the threats of the template.
GET /api/v2/templates/weaknesses/tests/references/{reference-id}
- Gets the reference related to a weakness test.
GET /api/v2/templates/use-cases/{use-case-id}/threats
- Get all the threats by use case.
POST /api/v2/templates/{template-id}/weaknesses/query
- Searches the weaknesses for a template, based on filters
POST /api/v2/templates/countermeasures/tests/references
- Creates a new reference related to a countermeasure test.
PUT /api/v2/templates/countermeasures/tests/{test-id}
- Updates the test related to a countermeasure.
DELETE /api/v2/templates/countermeasures/references/{reference-id}
- Deletes a reference for a countermeasure.
PUT /api/v2/templates/countermeasures/references/{reference-id}
- Updates a reference for a countermeasure.
GET /api/v2/templates/weaknesses/tests/{test-id}/references
- Gets the list of references related to a weakness test.
GET /api/v2/templates/threats/{threat-id}/references
- Gets the threat references through the threat id.
PUT /api/v2/templates/use-cases/{use-case-id}
- Update a use case.
PUT /api/v2/templates/countermeasures/tests/references/{reference-id}
- Updates a reference for a countermeasure test.
GET /api/v2/templates/weaknesses/{weakness-id}
- Get the weakness that matches the id.
DELETE /api/v2/templates/threats/{threat-id}/countermeasures/{countermeasure-id}
- Delete a countermeasure belongs to a threat.
GET /api/v2/templates/weaknesses
- Get all weaknesses for visible templates.
GET /api/v2/templates/weaknesses/{weakness-id}/countermeasures
- Retrieves all the countermeasures for a template weakness.
PUT /api/v2/templates/weaknesses/tests/references/{reference-id}
- Updates a reference related to a weakness test.
GET /api/v2/templates/countermeasures/tests/references/{reference-id}
- Gets a reference related to a countermeasure test.
DELETE /api/v2/templates/countermeasures/tests/references/{reference-id}
- Deletes a reference for a countermeasure test.
POST /api/v2/templates/{template-id}/countermeasures/query
- Gets the countermeasures for a template, based on filters
GET /api/v2/templates/{template-id}/countermeasures
- Gets all countermeasures for a template.
DELETE /api/v2/templates/threats/references/{reference-id}
- Deletes a threat reference.
POST /api/v2/templates/use-cases
- Create a use case.
Changed parameters
GET /api/v2/projects/threats/{threat-id}/references
- The parameter
has been added.
POST /api/v2/projects/{project-id}/countermeasures/query
- The parameter
has been added.
GET /api/v2/projects/countermeasures/{countermeasure-id}/references
- The parameter
has been added.
GET /api/v2/projects/threats/references/{reference-id}
- The parameter
has been added.
GET /api/v2/projects/countermeasures/{countermeasure-id}/comments
- The parameter
has been added.
- The parameter
has been added.
- The parameter
has been added.
- The parameter
has been added.
GET /api/v2/projects/countermeasures/{countermeasure-id}
- The parameter
has been added.
GET /api/v2/projects/countermeasures/references/{reference-id}
- The parameter
has been added.
GET /api/v2/projects/{project-id}/countermeasures
- The parameter
has been added.
GET /api/v2/projects/threats/{threat-id}/countermeasures
- The parameter
has been added.
GET /api/v2/projects/weaknesses/{weakness-id}/countermeasures
- The parameter
has been added.
Changed request bodies
POST /api/v2/projects/versions/{version-id}/create-project
- The property
has been removed.
- The property
is now required.
- The property
is now required.
- The property
is now required.
PUT /api/v2/projects/threats/{threat-id}
- The property
has been added.
- The property
has been added.
- The property
has been added.
- The property
has been added.
- The property
has been added.
- The property
has been added.
- The property
has been added.
- The property
has been added.
- The property
has been added.
PUT /api/v2/projects/countermeasures/{countermeasure-id}
- The property
has been added.
- The property
has been added.
- The property
has been added.
- The property
has been added.
- The property
has been added.
- The property
has been added.
- The property
has been added.
- The property
has been added.
POST /api/v2/projects
- The property
has been removed.
PUT /api/v2/projects/{project-id}
- The property
has been removed.
Article is closed for comments.