Beta Version Disclaimer
Please note that this version of the API is currently in beta. While it offers advanced features for deeper integrations and flexible automations, we reserve the right to make breaking changes during this phase. Backwards compatibility may not be maintained. We encourage users to explore its capabilities but recommend caution in production environments as the API may undergo significant modifications.
New endpoints
API settings
PUT /api/v2/api/settings
- Updates the values of API global settings.
GET /api/v2/api/settings
- Retrieves the list of API global settings.
POST /api/v2/projects/{project-id}/unlock
- For a project id unlocks the project.
DELETE /api/v2/projects/version/{version-id}
- Delete an project version.
GET /api/v2/projects/{project-id}/alerts
- Get the list of alerts for a threat model.
GET /api/v2/projects/{project-id}/questionnaire
- Retrieves the current status of the architecture questionnaire.
POST /api/v2/projects/{project-id}/upload
- Updates an existing project from an XML file.
DELETE /api/v2/projects/{project-id}/ownerships/users
- Update the user who have ownership of a project based on it id.
PUT /api/v2/projects/threats/{threat-id}
- Modify the threat details.
PUT /api/v2/projects/countermeasures/{countermeasure-id}
- Modify the countermeasure details.
GET /api/v2/projects/{project-id}/export
- Export the information of a project in XML format.
GET /api/v2/projects/threats/{threat-id}
- Get the threat details.
DELETE /api/v2/projects/{project-id}/ownerships/business-units
- Delete the business unit who have ownership of a project based on it id.
GET /api/v2/projects/{project-id}/audit-logs
- Retrieves a list of audit logs related with a project or version.
GET /api/v2/projects/{project-id}/diagram
- Get the diagram and related info of a project by project id.
DELETE /api/v2/projects/{project-id}
- Delete the project.
GET /api/v2/projects/countermeasures/{countermeasure-id}
- Get the countermeasure details.
POST /api/v2/projects/{project-id}/lock
- For a project id locks the project.
GET /api/v2/projects/{project-id}/ownerships/business-units
- For a project id get the business units who have ownership on it.
POST /api/v2/projects/{project-id}/ownerships/business-units
- Update the business unit who have ownership of a project based on it id.
DELETE /api/v2/roles/{role-id}/users/{username}
- Delete a role from a user.
GET /api/v2/roles/{role-id}
- Get a role.
POST /api/v2/roles/{role-id}/users/{username}
- Add a role to a user.
GET /api/v2/roles
- Get a list of all roles.
POST /api/v2/roles
- Create a new role.
Support settings
PUT /api/v2/support/settings
- Update the support-related configuration options.
GET /api/v2/support/settings
- Get the support-related configuration options.
GET /api/v2/tags
- Retrieves a list of the existing tags.
POST /api/v2/templates/create-from-project/{project-id}
- Create a new template based on a project.
POST /api/v2/templates
- Create a new template.
GET /api/v2/templates/{template-id}/alerts
- Get the list of alerts for a threat model
GET /api/v2/templates/{template-id}/diagram
- Get the diagram and related info of a template by template id.
DELETE /api/v2/templates/{template-id}
- Delete the template that matches the id.
GET /api/v2/users/invitations/{invitation-id}
- Get information about an invite already sent to use IriusRisk to a given email address.
DELETE /api/v2/users/{username}/roles/{role-id}
- Delete a role from a user.
POST /api/v2/users/invitations/{invitation-id}/accept
- Accept an invite to use IriusRisk.
POST /api/v2/users/{username}/roles/{role-id}
- Add a role to a user.
DELETE /api/v2/users/api-token/{username}
- Deletes the token used in the API for the requested user.
POST /api/v2/users/invite
- Send an invite to use IriusRisk to a given email address.
POST /api/v2/users/api-token/{username}/generate
- Generates a token to use in the API for the authenticated user.
PUT /api/v2/users/{username}
- Replace the information of the user.
Vulnerability Trackers settings
GET /api/v2/vulnerability-trackers/settings
- Get general settings for Vulnerability Trackers.
POST /api/v2/vulnerability-trackers/test
- Test the connection for the vulnerability tracker selected as provider.
PUT /api/v2/vulnerability-trackers/settings
- Update general settings for Vulnerability Trackers.
GET /api/v2/users/{username}/business-units
- Enabled sorting
GET /api/v2/projects
- Enabled filtering by custom fields and versions.
Backward incompatible changes
PUT /api/v2/components/{component-id}
- Disabled update of reference ID.
Article is closed for comments.