Alerts provide enhanced clarity and visibility into critical updates in your projects and templates, so you can address issues promptly and efficiently. Previously known as Notifications, the Project Alerts feature has undergone a significant transformation. The enhanced system prioritizes global context, making it easier to see and act on alerts specific to your project or template.
Accessing Project Alerts
Locate the "red dot" on the Alerts icon, represented by a flag in the top right corner of your interface. Clicking on this icon opens the Alerts window, providing immediate access without interrupting your workflow.
Clear Visibility: Alerts are flagged in a global context, offering a comprehensive overview of crucial updates.
Organized by Type: Alerts are categorized by type (Error, Info & Warning), allowing you to focus on specific issues.
Filterable Alerts: Easily filter alerts based on your preferences, ensuring that you can address issues within your relevant scope.
Filtering Alerts for Relevance
Within the Alerts window, you can click on the Alert type icons in the top right, to filter the view, displaying only those alerts relevant to you. This feature allows you to prioritize and address issues efficiently.
Project Alerts ensure clear visibility, organization by type, and easy filtering, allowing for seamless collaboration and effective project oversight.
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