Login (Or Create) To Your Account
If this is your first time using the support portal, you will want to first create an account. If this is not your first time, then you will want to login using your email/password from our support page:
By clicking on the "Sign-In" option at the top right hand corner.
To create your account, simply click the "Sign Up" option in the lower left hand side of the box that appears:
You will see a box that mentions an email has been sent to you for verification:
Once your account is created, or you have logged in successfully, you will now see your username appear at the top right hand side of the page:
View / Respond To Cases
Simply click on your username to view the dropdown menu, and click on "Requests":
From here, you will be able to view all of your open/pending/closed cases that you are able to interact with and communicate with our support team.
Open A New Case
To open a new case, you would simply need to click on the "Submit A Request" next to your username, and fill out as much information as possible to help support review the problem you are having.
You can always open a support ticket without an account , however we do recommend using an account for easy communication with our support team.
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