If we wish to undo changes to diagram, we can do so with the usage of the 'reset diagram changes' functionality.
There are many reasons a user may wish to reset the diagram.
There may be changes which we do not wish to push anymore, but there may also be times where there are issues that restrict us from updating the threat model. This functionality allows us to bypass the blocker by reverting back to the last saved diagram.
You must ensure there is already a synced diagram to revert back to
How to
- Lets say we have made these changes to the project
- If there are changes we wish to disregard, navigate to the ''...' button in the top right of our threat model inside the diagram section.
- after clicking this, select 'Reset diagram changes'.
- Confirm the diagram is correct and select 'reset diagram changes'
- Diagram has been successfully reset.
The usage of this feature only reverts the diagram to the last threat model update. If you have updated the threat model any changes will be pushed to the database.
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