IriusRisk allows you to integrate your application with SAML for Single Sign On with a number of different IDP's.
The standard workflow (as of July 2023) would be:
- Contact support with a new ticket, addressed for SAML configuration.
- Support would then reach out with a questionnaire of the appropriate information to carry out the integration
- We would arrange an appropriate maintenance window with you to make the required changes
At this point we would urge you to jump on a call to test the configuration. We have found that a call provides the fastest time to resolution for any troubleshooting issues, but we appreciate this is not always possible due to different constraints.
For this reason, below is the proposed workflow to test the role mappings:
- Navigate to your application
- Click the login button which will navigate you to your IDP.
- Login with a role that we have mapped*
- Navigate to your user profile where you will be able to view the role(s) assigned to your user.
- Note your findings with the IriusRisk support team via the ticket raised for the integration. If we need to make any changes we can do so.
* we map the roles like this:
userGroupToRoleMapping = [
which should look something like this:
userGroupToRoleMapping = [
'h06aNZyl-Bzjc-bR6X-qlew-CZvMHvbsG0sq':'ROLE_TEST_ONLY', 'IVfp1C0J-ujQT-y6Ky-2WPE-o4h5mdiEiPZR':'ROLE_ADMIN', 'a06wlKy2-3NEj-fsEv-JrPc-i6rl4YuRX2YP':'ROLE_PORTFOLIO_VIEW', 'd6FL45u8-nFzW-RHl0-64Vv-NeZbLDKdrr5F':'ROLE_DEVELOPER',
Care should be taken to ensure we use the correct IDP to test integration. I.e. if we want to test the developer group, the IDP group to login from in this example is 'd6FL45u8-nFzW-RHl0-64Vv-NeZbLDKdrr5F'
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