Purpose -
The purpose of this article is to describe a process where a user might want to tag a component so that any threat or countermeasure related to this component could be filtered or prioritized from the threats or countermeasures interface.
Required permissions -
ARCHITECTURE_UPDATE (to add Tags to components)
THREAT_VIEW (to filter and view threats)
COUNTERMEASURE_VIEW (to filter and view countermeasures)
Instructions -
1. From the diagramming interface, select a component, right click and select "edit details"
2. Add a tag to the tags dropdown. This could be a certain team (e.g., Team 1) or a certain method for prioritizing threats attached to this object (e.g., Public Facing). For this example, I will use "public facing" as a tag.
3. Navigate to the threats interface or the countermeasure interface and switch the view to the flattened view.
If your view does not include the column "tags" you will need to add that column from the column picker on the top right side above the scroll bar.
4. Now the threats and countermeasures have inherited this tag from the component and can be viewed in the Tags column.
5. Using the filtering function, users can also view only the tagged content as well. Select the filter, tags, and then select the tag that you placed on the component. More than one filter can be applied through this interface.
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